The Company

About us

Built by scientists with an ‘appetite’ for nutrition needs with a focus on the dietary rolls of carbohydrates. Creating products for human needs with different carbohydrate compositions, sizes, shapes and properties. We embrace their diversity and natural plant-based origins. By linking mother nature to our dietary needs and sensorial preferences we make things work a little differently to others…


Our Energy Needs

We have been for a long time contemplating how best to provide the energy from our diet in a healthy and sustained fashion. We contemplated how our ancestors had to work hard for food calories, running from the more than occasional predator whilst trying to capture a few items to eat. Energy draining…

These days we find ourselves eating pre-prepared heavily-refined foods which deliver too many calories too often in short repetitive bursts. Not good at all for the body or brain in health and/or when we need a nutritional support to help optimise our health.


Energy Balance and Carbohydrates

It is important that our energy consumption matches our needs in health and disease. Equally, how and when we consume calories is critical to health. Digestible carbohydrates derived from plants are an excellent source of calories with glucose derived from different carbohydrates our primary critical energy source. Plant derived indigestible carbohydrates (dietary fibre) also, support and are critical for optimal gut health.


Hypo- and Hyperglycaemia

These conditions, low and high blood glucose concentrations respectively, are not healthy for the body or brain. The impact is very deleterious to the body and also with respect to cognition.

Causes of Hypoglycaemia Include:

  • Congenital (especially glycogen storage disease)
  • Fasting and endurance
  • Ketogenic diet induced
  • Insulin injections by diabetics
  • Liver diseases
  • Kidney diseases

Causes of Hyperglycaemia Include:

  • Different forms of stress
  • Certain illnesses
  • Eating too much, too often
  • Insufficient exercise
  • Insufficient hydration
  • Due to medications



Who needs it? We all do!

Too little energy? Hard to think or perform properly.

Too much energy? Stored excess energy puts a massive stress on the body’s organs and their capacity to function properly.


Rapidly or Slowly Digestible Energy

Slowly digestible energy, avoiding regular peaks and troughs of blood glucose concentrations, are much healthier than rapidly digestible energy.

See for example:
Qi, X. and Tester, R. F. (2023) Impact of starch gelatinisation on digestibility and human health. Starch/Stärke Article 2200195. doi 10.1002/star.202200195
Qi, X. and Tester, R. F. (2023) Nutritional uses of starch to provide blood glucose control. Nutrire 48, Article 14.